About the Program

Pharmacometrics Systems Pharmacology (PSP)

Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences Specialization in Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology Track

Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology (PSP)is an interdisciplinary science to study drug actions and rational development of new drugs through network analysis, multitype-multiscale modeling and simulations "mechanism-driven", as well as data analysis "data-driven". The PSP track is a leading education program of pharmacometrics and computational systems pharmacology.

PSP group video

Education Goals

Develop broad knowledge on pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology

Gain systematic training to become a pharmaceutical professional in either academia or industry

Acquire skills to use software to conduct network analysis

Proficiently use programming (MATLAB, R, Python) as tools for PSP studies and research

Develop strong computational modeling and simulation expertise to be able to proficiently use two mainstream software packages, NONMEM and SIMCYP to conduct both population PK/PD and PBPK modeling/simulation

PSP Faculty

Research Group

Research Directions

Dr. Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie

directory Dr. Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie

Associate Dean of PharmacoAnaltyics,
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director of the Pharmacometrics Systems Pharmacology program

  1. GPCR CB2 Cryo-EM & X-ray biophysics for ligand/drug design by PSP
  2. AI Machine-/Deep-Learning for preclinical & clinical data
  3. PharmacoAnalytics

Dr. Zhiwei Feng

directoryDr. Zhiwei Feng

Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. In-silico antibody/antigen discovery
  2. In-silico small molecule drug discovery
  3. In-silico DMPK simulation
  4. AI algorithms

Dr. Jaden Jung

directoryDr. Jaden Jung

Research Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. Small molecules/Probes development for CB2 allosteric modulators
  2. P62 as a receptor of autophagy

Dr. Terry McGuire

directoryDr. Terence McGuire

Research Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. CB2 allosteric modulators
  2. p62 aberrant signaling
  3. Small molecules to treat CB2/p62-associated diseases

Dr. Junmei Wang

directoryDr. Junmei Wang

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. Molecular mechanics force field and scoring function development
  2. Machine learning and deep learning on computer-aided drug discovery and generative chemistry
  3. Molecular dynamics simulations of biosystems and bioprocedures
  4. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling and simulation
  5. Computer-aided drug design

Dr. Ying Xue

directoryDr. Ying Xue

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Therapeutics

  1. Clinical data mining
  2. Data science
  3. Clinical outcomes analysis
  4. Personalized medication

Dr. Da Yang

directoryDr. Da Yang

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

How to Apply

Applying our PSP program

Please apply thegraduate program in Pharmaceutical Sciencesspecialized inPharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology Track.

Applications must be submitted byJanuary 4thto be considered for the Fall semester. There are no Spring semester admissions.

Applications must be submitted electronically throughPharmacy Graduate Application Service(PharmGrad).

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Couch Hunter

Why Choose Our Program

We encourage and support our students to attend national conference and present their works.

We send our student to industry for internship to earn work experience and social connections.

We collaborate with scientists from both industry and academy to offer our students best education.

The University of Pittsburgh is one of the world’s foremost research institutions (Ranked 57th Best National Universities in 2017 by US News). University of Pittsburgh fosters multidisciplinary approaches and rigorous scientific training — providing an ideal environment for growth as a professional in academia or industry. Pitt attracts and retains pre-eminent researchers while maintaining a culture that promotes research in diverse areas.

The University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy has one of the best pharmacy programs (Ranked 9th in 2016 by US News). It provides versatile educational programs at both the MS and PhD/PharmD levels. The School also hosts two innovation computing centers: Computational Chemical Genomics Screening Center (CCGS) and NIH National Center of Excellence for Computational Drug Abuse Research (CDAR) researchers while maintaining a culture that promotes research in diverse areas.

Our Mission

The mission of the PSP track is to train the next generation of pharmaceutical professionals dedicated to developing novel drugs and improving health outcomes through precision and personalized medicine.


Contact Us

Xiang-Qun (Sean) Xie, MD, PhD, EMBA
Associate Dean for PharmacoAnalytics, School of Pharmacy
Founding Director of PSP and CCGS Center
Office: 6411 Salk Hall

Terry McGuire, PhD
Scientific Administrator of CCGS & PSP
Phone: (+1)412-624-6053
Office: 6409 Salk Hall

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